Empowering the RV rental industry with advanced solutions

Wheelbase is powered by a group of passionate RV enthusiasts and is proud to help over 1,000 RV rental companies to drive the growth of their business.


Powerful technology

Until now, RV companies have had very little choice in price, capability and design of the rental software they need to use to run their businesses. Largely because RV rental management software has not been web-enabled, lacks key features and is contained by seriously uninspiring product design.

With Wheelbase RV companies improve the way they run their rental businesses for greater efficiencies in processes and outcomes like increased profitability, time saving and better customer experiences.


A growing start-up changing the RV rental industry

Wheelbase designs and develops technology to improve the guest experience with RV travel worldwide. Our culture is focused on innovation, making long-term progress and having the tenacity to win for our customers.

Wheelbase is a forward-looking, dedicated and active brand with a global vision. We currently operate in the US, Canada, Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand. The Wheelbase community is at the forefront of our international expansion and is excited about the opportunity to get a global exposure thanks to the growing footprint of Outdoorsy marketplace.

Ask for your free
demo now


Process automation


Online bookings 24/7


Payment processing


On-demand insurance


Outdoorsy leads


Free to use


Get in touch with us today and one of our team members will reach out to further discuss your needs and explain how Wheelbase can support your business.